As part of its evolution into a portal celebrating social board gaming culture, Board Game Club is partnering with Esdevium Games to launch Blogger Board Game Club.
Mimicking the subscription box model, this new engagement programme invites 50 blogging families to enjoy and share a year-long journey through social board gaming. Each month Board Game Club will use their feedback to match-make them to a new and exciting tabletop title. Esdevium is the first brand to exclusively ‘take over’ Blogger Board Game Club, meaning that all featured games will be exclusively handpicked from their portfolio.
The activation forms part of a wider PR strategy by Esdevium Games to help UK families better navigate the board game shelf, giving them a deeper experience of games they might not ordinarily have come across.
“We’re actively exploring many different ways in which the Board Game Club brand can be extended out beyond purely our very popular monthly grown-up games nights,” explains Board Game Club co-founder, Lesley Singleton, “Partnering with Esdevium for the first ever year of Blogger Board Game Club is a fantastic opportunity to showcase their stellar menu of accessible and gateway tabletop games, many of which might never have been otherwise encountered by these families – or their readers. And with their feedback and authentic, honest reviews, we’ll be able to tailor future mailings direct to their tastes. By the end of the initiative, they’ll have an enviable Board Game Club of their own at home, as well as the knowledge of the different game-styles available these days, beyond perhaps what they’re used to.”
Ben Hogg, Marketing Manager at Esdevium Games adds, “We’ve been huge supporters of Board Game Club since its launch over three years ago, as it’s so in keeping with our own ethos of giving people hands-on experiences of games. We previously enjoyed a very successful take-over night in London, so we’re delighted to be the first brand to be part of an even bigger initiative from the Board Game Club team. The launch of Blogger Board Game Club means we can take our games out to a wider audience of families, in a meaningful, personalised and engaging way. We’re confident of creating the next generation of board game fans by taking bloggers on a journey through some of the best tabletop titles, and feel this partnership lets us push the boundaries and interact with new audiences. We’re looking forward to the next 12 months very much!”
Board Game Club is in the process of inviting blogging families from across the UK to take part in the project, and will also be showcasing the initiative with a pop-up Board Game Club at leading blogger event, Blog On, in Manchester this Sunday (21 May).